Venus Viva Nano Fractional Radio Frequency Skin Resurfacing for Neck

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Venus Viva™ Nano Fractional Radio Frequency Skin Resurfacing Treatment

Venus Viva™ powered by Nano Fractional Radio Frequency (RF) technology is a non-surgical skin resurfacing treatment that delivers exceptional results with low downtime and is safe for all skin types and all skin complexions, effectively resolves mild to severe skin damage, reduces the appearance of acne scars and other scars, striae, rosacea, dyschromia, deep wrinkles, enlarged pores, and uneven skin texture and pigmentation for all skin types and all skin complexions.

How It Works

  • The NanoFractional RF™ applicator can address skin concerns effectively, safely and effectively delivers Nano Fractional Radio Frequency energy into the skin tissues via the micro pin tip, creating micro dermal wounds which stimulates the body’s natural healing to produce new fibroblasts that create collagen in the tissue. This wound healing response creates a smoother appearance to the skin, plumps up fine lines and wrinkles, treats acne scars, reduces pigmented lesions and textural irregularities of the skin.
  • SmartScan™ technology allows for a significant depth of penetration, flexible treatment sizes, and safe energy delivery for highly visible results.


Safe for All Skin Types and All Skin Complexions.


Low Downtime.

You can return to your daily skin care routine 24 hours post treatment.


About the Treatment

Each treatment takes around 90 minutes, which include the wait time for the topical anesthetics and the application of the Venus Viva Skin Resurfacing Treatment.

Recommended treatment frequency is a series of three to four treatments, consisting of one treatment once every 4 weeks for the face and neck areas, or once every 4 to 8 weeks for body areas.

Maintenance is dependent on the skin condition. Generally, 2 to 4 treatments per year (once every 3 to 6 months) will maintain results seen after a treatment series.



Mild swelling, peeling may appear, which only takes around 3 to 7 days of recovery. You may return to regular activities immediately, following the post-treatment care instructions.


Post-Treatment Care Instructions

It is advised that you switch to a clean pillowcase.
Do not apply ice or cooling compresses, as the heat from the treated areas is the body’s natural healing response. Do not apply any products and do not cleanse the skin on the treated areas for the first 24 hours.

Always use SPF 30+ beginning 24 hours after the skin has fully healed.

Makeup is allowed 24 hours post treatment.

Do not use products that contain artificial fragrance within 3 to 5 days post treatment.

Avoid hot baths, saunas, Jacuzzis, and pools as the bacteria in these sites can affect the skin post-resurfacing and cause an infection.


【納米飛梭電波】逆時凍齡  緊緻煥膚 

什麼是 Venus Viva™

Venus Viva™是有效解決皺紋、暗瘡疤痕、毛孔粗大、皮膚粗糙、色澤不佳、色斑和妊娠紋的最佳療程方案。 Venus Viva™適合任何肌膚類型,整個療程安全、有效、無不適感,恢復期短,效果顯著且持久 。







Venus Viva肌膚重塑療程革命性地運用納米分段式射頻™技術(NanoFractional Radio Frequency Technology)和SmartScan™技術,通過細微針將高頻熱能傳達到皮膚深層,並且會在皮膚表面留下可自然復原的極微小的創口 ,此過程可快速促進皮膚膠原蛋白生成,以達到緊緻柔滑、淡化色素的效果。   



一次療程總需時間約90分鐘(包含等待局部外敷麻藥生效跟儀器治療的時間),每次療程間隔一個月。 大多數顧客可以在三至四次療程後達到最佳效果,持續效果為期12個月。  








療程後24小時開始塗抹SPF30+ 以上的防曬霜




面部護理, 自我生態®  


90 min | Couple, Single Room


Selfology FAQ on Medical Spa - Venus Viva™NanoFractional Radio Frequency Skin Resurfacing