One Love DPL Treatment for Full Face & Neck with A Choice of Selfology Healing Facial + Classic Plus Eyelashes extensions

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One Love DPL Treatment for Full Face & Neck with A Choice of Selfology Healing Facial + Classic Plus Eyelashes extensions    (DPL冰點脈衝超光子精緻修復護理(臉、頸部) + 輕羽濃密款美睫嫁接) $188   ( Value $430)



One Love DPL Treatment for Full Face & Neck with A Choice of Selfology Healing Facial ( Value $310)

Alma Laser DPL refers to a specific technology used by Alma Lasers, a company known for its advanced medical and aesthetic laser devices. DPL stands for Dynamic Pulse Light, which is designed for various skin treatments, including skin rejuvenation and addressing vascular or pigmented lesions. Unlike traditional IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), DPL offers a more controlled delivery of light energy, allowing for better precision and reduced side effects. The dynamic nature of the pulses helps in treating different skin types and conditions more effectively. It helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage and is effective in treating conditions like rosacea, spider veins, and hyperpigmentation.  

Choices of Selfology Healing Facial: 


IPL冰點脈衝光子嫩膚療程(臉) + 臉部精緻修復護理       

光子 嫩膚中的“ 愛馬仕“ - DPL冰點脈衝超光子 (Almalaser Dynamic Pulsed Light) - 「0」痛感的治療體驗—相較於傳統的脈衝「蓋章式」治療模式,DPL超光子採用獨有的in-motion滑動治療方法,是目前全球唯一一個可以「滑」著做的脈衝嫩膚,擁有四級冷卻系統, 大大提升了治療的舒適度,縮短了治療週期,被譽為光子嫩膚中的“愛馬仕”!能精準祛斑、祛細紋、痘印、快速美白,甚至淡化黑眼圈等皮膚問題。 1次DPL效果相當於做2次傳統光子 



  • 活膠原蛋白修復臉部護理 

  • 無針深層注水修復護理 

  • 超聲波深層淨化角質護理 

  45 min

Classic Plus Eyelashes Extensions ( Value $120)

Classic Plus Eyelash Extensions" refers to a specific type of eyelash extensions service that combines the traditional "Classic" method with additional features or enhancements. 

  • Classic Eyelash Extensions: This method involves attaching a single extension to each natural eyelash, resulting in a natural and subtle look. It enhances the length and thickness of the lashes while still maintaining a more natural appearance. 

  • Plus: The "Plus" part usually indicates that the service includes something extra, such as additional volume, length, or a combination with other techniques like hybrid or volume lashes. It might also involve the use of premium materials or a more customized application to achieve a slightly more dramatic effect compared to the standard Classic extensions. 

Overall, a "Classic Plus Eyelash Extension" service offers a bit more enhancement than the standard classic set, making it suitable for those who want a more noticeable yet still elegant look. 



輕羽濃密款(Classic Plus)睫毛嫁接是一種結合了自然款睫毛和其他技術的嫁接方法。它通常是在自然款睫毛嫁接的基礎上,增加一些額外的睫毛,以達到更濃密、更自然的效果。 
輕羽濃密款(Classic Plus)睫毛嫁接 是指每根自然睫毛上嫁接一根假睫毛,效果比較自然,適合想要增加長度和稍微增加濃密度的人 
輕羽濃密款(Classic Plus) 則是在此基礎上,增加一些額外的睫毛,可能是通過混合不同長度、捲度的睫毛,或者在某些區域增加更多的睫毛,以達到更濃密的效果 

 90 min