Welcome to our Revamped & Reborn Sites

Reborn Sites






Welcome to our Revamped & Reborn Sites


The Main Site
The Menu Site

Free Membership
Free Consultation,
and Free Delivery

Dear Selfology Community,








A moment born and a moment reborn - in the new social at a distance, finding solace in meetings at various virtual gathering places, and upon awhile, a new kind of hope shines through each of these connected communications, no matter the tactile-free nature of these moments.


For the first month of realization, the Selfology Superfamily has revamped the digital footprint to help further unleash the team's intuition and insights gained from serving hundreds and thousands of people with their hands and hearts over the past six years at this iconic Granville and 16th corner.



Here are the two interconnected websites, crafted and maintained entirely by your therapist friends at Selfology. 

And your feedback feeds our passion!




The Main Site
*powered by Adobe like Webydo
The Menu Site
*powered by Shopify w/
Trusted Payment systems and compatibilities.

The team's multimedia inclusion such as voice-over will be provided for key products and treatments over time to help one gain additional insights into the resource being sourced.





You are always welcome to consult one of the Selfology therapists by scheduling an appointment here (link opens to Calendly).




It is a great idea to check with your therapist for skin care solutions and it often saves you from wasting valuable time and resources on ineffective methods for your case.  






The consultation is completely free of charge (part of our membership program) and is also conducted via the highly trusted and secured Microsoft Business 365 Teams Meeting system, with many creative productivity tools at our disposal.




We are also more than happy to conduct the consultation by a simple phone and email or to use another communication mode of your choice.

The first step is to book your Selfology Virtual Gathering and Consultation experience here (link opens to Calendly).


We are happy to deliver anywhere in the greater Vancouver for free, in appreciation for your support for a local team of therapists who have served the community in, Reaching by Hand, Healing by Heart, Evolve the Way with Ways, with good news and hope.

May the immunity be with you, our dear community. 

 Selfology Superfamily

Private Spa of the Year 2017 by LTG UK
Best of Groupon 2016 to 2020
Our Collective Mantra,

"Reach by Hand, Heal by Heart,
Evolving the Way with Ways"