Brightest Black Friday Special Savings

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Reach by Hand, Heal by Heart,
Evolving the Way with Ways

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Selfology Medical
Aesthetic Spa
Skin Care Treatments from selfology Skin Care Experts

Reach by Hand, Heal by Heart,
Evolving the Way with Ways

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The Map of Kindness

Mapping kindness in all forms and manner.
The Map of Kindness is a map to kindness.

a Westcoast Logos

One Love IPL Treatment for Full Face & Neck with One Selfology Healing Facial 《 IPL脈衝光子嫩膚(臉部+ 頸部)療程 + 臉部修復護理》
 AFT Pain-Free IPL (Intense Pulse Light) technology showers the skin with pulses of focused light that help diminish the appearance of sunspots, visible blood vessels, and other pigment irregularities.  following with a active collagen healing facial, mesotherapy facial, or deep-clean peel.




Venus 4D Diamond Polar™ Skin Tightening + Active Collagen Firming Mask  《 Venus 4D 鑽石多頻臉部提拉+活膠原蛋白臉部修復面膜 》

Venus DiamondPolar uses radiofrequency and pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate the body’s natural healing process and so, help tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.



Venus Legacy™ 4D Body Contouring & Cellulite Reduction《 Venus Legacy 4D 曲線多頻電波 》

4D Venus Legacy™ uses Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields to produce heat under the skin’s surface. This process helps to naturally increase collagen and elastin fibers, while also shrinking the volume of fat cells. At the same time, an adjustable pulsed suction (called VariPulse™) gently works to pull the skin upward, allowing the energy to travel deeper and providing more comfortable and effective treatment. The result is a body that looks slimmer and more sculpted, skin that looks tighter, and cellulite that almost disappears.



OxyGeneo Facial《活氧氣泡亮膚療程 》

Experience the 3-in-1 super facial professionals are calling better than microderm. Incorporating patented OxyGeneo™ Technology for unparalleled skin nourishment & oxygenation, see younger looking skin after your first treatment.



The Selfology
Family Circle
Private Spa Space
